Oh, hi! Didn’t see you there. You must excuse us, as you see we’re busy organizing our great world premiere! No, no, you’re no trouble at all. Sit down and relax and add the game to your wishlist. We’ll be nearby tending to the release preparations.
We really wanna make sure that everything goes A-OK so you can get the best Exorder experience possible on the launch day. We’re really happy with the developement process and the design choices we have made. We hope that you’ll enjoy it as well. The whole game-making process began with an idea for a simple tactical mobile game. Can you believe that? The cartoony visual style mixed with inspiration from the Advance Wars series were part of the initial vision for the project. Back then we were faced with the limitations of mobile hardware.

We totally didn’t see it coming! We were just overflowing with ideas. We found a publisher and the project got bigger and bigger with every passing week. And here we are! The simple cartoon style evolved into really pretty fable-like art and the gameplay became a lot more complex, but at the same time the mechanics reveal the direct inspiration of Advance Wars.
And it totally rulez way more on the big machines than it would have on a mobile platform, as far as we’re concerned. We love it! We hope you’re gonna love it too.
Tommorow’s the big day, so don’t miss it! There are gonna be some funny drinks that make the world look like a kid’s cartoon book.
Solid9 Studio